Why did Royal Commission delete audio of a man speaking out?

At the Royal Commission hearing last Friday 23 November 2018 (Day 64) during examination of ASIC Chair James Shipton, an unidentified voice bellowed from the public gallery about a half hour before lunch break. Amidst the Commissioner’s 3 interjections the following was heard:

Time-code: 12:26:05

Man: Mr Hayne, why are you concealing the greatest fraud in this country which is variable interest rate loans.

Hayne: Could I ask you to sit down Sir?

Man: Variable interest rate loans render a contract void for uncertainty.

Hayne: Would you be good enough please Sir to sit down.

Man: Yet we have kangaroo courts in this country who are conspiring with the banks to conceal this great fraud.

Hayne: I’m sorry Sir I think you are interfering with the work of the Commission.

Man: I put a submission into this commission which included a transcript of the High Court showing the corruption of the judiciary in concealing this fraud. Variable interest rates render a contract void.. I will get my bag.. void for uncertainty…

Time-code: 12:27:50

Man: You are concealing it. This is a corrupt commission. You are concealing fraud.

[Hayne: Yes Ms Orr…]

Time-code: 12:28:04

So who was that brave man who stood up to be heard? Was it John Wilson, a former victim of the banks?  


Why did the Royal Commission fade out the audio of the man, ending at time-code 12:27:50, omitting the words marked in red thereafter, yet included them in the official Royal Commission transcript on P-7000?

Why would the words “..You are concealing it. This is a corrupt commission. You are concealing fraud” be so threatening to the Commission if they were kept as an audio record and revealed to the media and people of Australia and around the world for years to come?

A copy of the original audio can be played below:

The Royal Commission’s edited version of Day 64 can be viewed here at the 2:57:36 mark.

UPDATE: Day 65

Then another voice piped up from the public gallery on the following Monday (26/11) just before closing at about 4:17 pm. A man identified as Mr Elliot Sgargetta let rip with the following:

MR ……….: With respect, Commissioner, in the public interest do you or an associate hold a vested interest in any of these major banks? Scargetter, 40 years federal tax practitioner.

THE COMMISSIONER: The short answer, Mr Scargetter, is no, I do not and we will adjourn until 9.45.

MR SCARGETTER: The complicit judiciary in all of this needs to be looked at.

A copy of the original audio can be played below:

The Royal Commission’s version of Day 65 can be viewed here at the 7:13:10 mark.

More about Mr Sgargetta’s bank woes:

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