People must Unite for Bank Remediation
“United we stand — divided we fall”
– Aesop, Greek slave & fable author (620 BC – 560 BC)

For decades, if not hundreds of years, people have been betrayed by banks who have stolen their property and their lives. Trust and confidence has been breached and eroded. Misrepresentation and misconduct has been allowed to flourish. What still exists today is a huge imbalance in power between an individual and the banks, especially when one seeks remedy from bank and systemic wrongdoing. Banks remain a moral hazard to many sections of the community.
With the denial of any fair legal recourse, failure of government and bank funded agencies such as the Financial Ombudsman (FOS/AFCA) and multiple bank inquiries, many bank victims to this day remain deprived of any credible response from a bank, let alone any form of proper remediation.
The most recent inquiry being the Royal Commission into Financial Services with over 10,000 submissions was to provide appropriate redress for consumers as per the Terms of Reference handed down by the Executive in December 2017. However, only some 27 victims were afforded an opportunity to be heard in hearings, being clearly the type of cases and actors that suited the executive/bank agenda, including not exposing the full magnitude of the banking heist that operates in perpetuity.
Without further adieu, victims of bank wrongdoing must unite, strategise and show enormous strength in order to obtain any chance of remediation. Despite double speak and numerous ramblings by banks in various political forums and the media, they will not afford you restitution without first being brought to heel by the people in big numbers, so don’t be fooled. Their bag of tricks and sleight of hand is as old as Methuselah.
They are laughing at us all the way and all the time.
No body is coming to help you, it is up to us to form as a collective!
Rome may not have been built or have fallen in a day – but it did fall… So too will corrupt banks when people take a stand. If not, our children and theirs will continue to suffer.
So to memorialise your desire for fair and just remediation the first step is for us all to come together. Simply fill out your details below to be added to the group. You will be contacted shortly thereafter.
[contact-form-7 id=”1031″ title=”Remediation Form”]